Saturday, January 31, 2009

~It's the Weekend~

What a busy, busy week....... We all survived~ I've been working diligently on my new class I am taking for my Master's degree... Whew..... Just got finished my assigments for the week and they are submitted!!! (YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!) We have family time planned in just a few......

Here's the plan.....
Picnic outside---yep-- it's still 45 here......
Prune the grapevines......
Till the garden.......
Plant 2 different kinds of onions.... (yep--hubby bought 100 plants!)

Anyone have any onion recipes?

Subway for dinner......
Bible study--YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy your day!

*Don't forget--bloggy giveaway--ends Monday evening.. Scroll down to see post.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thursday.....BUSY Thursday....

Whew! I am really tired today! Our school day was filled with so much excitement. Our specials day is Thursday, and the children get to visit art, music, and pe...... For a four year old that sometimes means OVER STIMULATION!!!! Then on top of that we had a fire drill---planned during our NAP!!!!!!!!!!!! So......we had to reschedule our afternoon. If you haven't been around four year olds, then you may not understand schedule change! Four year olds do not handle schedule changes well!!! Finally, my TA and I got them on their rest mats and SOME went to sleep... We had a small birthday party--LOTS of SUGAR... and sent them home..........
To top it all off..... TOMORROW......................PAJAMA DAY!!!!!!!!!

Yep, I asked for it...I KNOW....

Here's a quick card for today.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

~Tuesday's Thoughts~

I think this card says it all.

Don't forget to enter the bloggy give-a-way..... 1 entry per person...Ends Monday at 8:00 Eastern...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

~Saturday Stamp Club~

We had an awesome time at stamp club today! We created all the pictured goodies!!

I have a couple kits left $15 shipped... You receive everything to make the pictured items and instructions with each! If you must have the stamp set and heart punch, I can quote you a price.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thursday's Thoughts

Wow! This week is flying by. It has been very cold here and the children at school want to talk about snow, snow, snow!!!

I found this cute stamp at Michael's and absolutely love it! I thought it was perfect for the dog paper I had!!!


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

~We're Back~

What a wonderful mini vacation our family had. We ventured away to Gatlinburg, Tennessee! It was such a fun time. We spent time with the boys, watched movies, hit the outlet malls, and squeezed in an awesome magic show! We didn't see any snow until we were packing up to leave yesterday!!! Then back to the house....

We woke up this morning to light snow!! The weather forecast was for it to be gone from here by early morning.... Well, it is still snowing!! It is not sticking though:(((( I just want enough for the kids to play in......

Well enough of me, me, me..... Calling all prayer warriors..... Please pray for Baby Harper...... She is one sick little newborn....... You can visit her mommy's blog here....


Thursday, January 15, 2009

~Family Time~

I am taking some family time from Friday until Tuesday! I look forward to blogging and showing more craftiness next week!
Crossing my fingers for snow!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

~Happy Birthday!~

I want to wish my wonderful husband a very Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!
We going to dinner and then enjoy time with our children tonight.
Until tomorrow~

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

~Tuesday's Thoughts~

In my world of teaching four year olds---children say the craziest things!! Today was one of the funniest I have heard in a while.... I asked one of my little ones if her mom's hair was still short. She said, "No--it's getting longer and mine is falling out!!! (Now remember---she is 4!) I want mine to look like my baby doll's hair!! (Her baby doll is bald...) Oh well..... We had a lot of fun today.......
I leave you with another teacher card I made!!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

~Monday Weigh In~

We're off to the start of a new work week. I was excited to step on the scale this morning. I felt good about the past week. I managed to walk 3 times and to watch what I ate. The weekend was a lot harder as I was home and wanted to eat more......

I stepped on the scales and........ 161.4...........WoW..... I managed to lose 1.8 pounds this week. Not that bad!!!

I am looking forward to a fun week of creative lunches.... I've included one of my latest card creations. I created this for a fun sketch challenge over at Verve stamps!!!


Sunday, January 11, 2009

~Sunday Scripture Challenge~

I finally completed my first Scripture Challenge! I decided to make mine 5 x 7. I can then add them to frames or just keep in an album. There is a cross on our night stand in the bedroom that this card front fits perfectly against!!

This week our focus is Kindness.... I will studying in his word to find my favorite verse on kindness.

Enjoy your day!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

~It's Taylor's Sketch Challenge!~

If you have not visited Taylor from Taylored Expressions, then you are really missing out! She has very creative ideas and neat goodies to shop for. I thought this year I would begin participating in more sketch challenges to get my creativeness flowing again. Here is my submission for her challenge this week!

I know.......I am still working on my scripture challenge......


Friday, January 9, 2009

~Finally Friday~

The end the work week is finally here! It has been a busy week full of fun! My little Pre-Kinders learned a lot about Winter. Their favorite part of the week was learning about ice!!! It was fascinating to listed to them carry on conversations about why water turns to ice and then how it melts. Oh, if I could be 4 again!!!!

There is not a card for today just a simple wish of a relaxing weekend. I am almost finished my creation for the Scripture 2009 Challenge! I decided to create a 5 x 7 piece so I could use them in frames. Stay tuned tomorrow for the finished product!

Will blog again tomorrow,

Thursday, January 8, 2009

~Thursday's Thoughts~

Wasn't today grand? It was for me........ As I drove to work this morning, I saw the most beautiful sunrise I have ever seen! The sky was engulfed in orange!!! I was definitely in awe. I hope today for you has been one of enjoyment! Take just a moment right now to thank God for something he has done today!

We plan on watching the big game tonight~~ I am not really rooting for anyone. I sure hope it is a good one~


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

~Wordless Wednesday~

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

~Teacher Tuesday~

It was so fun participatining in the 2S4U( 2 sketches 4 you) card sketch for this week. I love creating 'teacher' themed cards.

Monday, January 5, 2009

~Marvelous Monday!~

Today is officially the day~weight loss 2009 begins................. My goal is to lose 20 pounds by the end of the school year--May 20..... I have baby weight from 2 pregnancies that must go!!! The problem is I love to eat sweets and breads......

Here are my beginning stats::::::::::> 163.4 pounds..... Yep, that' s me on the card above!!! (HEHE!)

I made it through school and now am headed to walk. Then back to cook supper!!

See ya!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Scripture Challenge~Week 1

It was such a fabulous Sunday to be in the house of the Lord!! I have decided to participate in the Scripture Challenge 2009 that is hosted by Patter on her blog,
I haven't decided exactly how I am going to house all my scriptures... I like the idea of a rolodex, but have a different idea, I think....

Week 1: Faith...........
I need to focus on his word and create my submission.

Look for my creation later in the week.

Have a fun evening~

Saturday, January 3, 2009

~Weekend Warriors~

Today has been a very busy day! We are getting ready for our Sunday School After-Christmas party in about 15 minutes! We spent the day shopping and then had a nice out to eat lunch at Applebees, (just hubby and I!!!) The house is ready(whew!).
Yes I know!!! Another Valentine card.....Lovin them...............
Want one? Check out my etsy to get yours today.

Friday, January 2, 2009

~Fun Friday~

It's fun Friday at our home today~ We slept in and then we ate waffles with syrup for breakfast! The boys are playing video games today and hubby is listening to 'my' zune!!! We will be taking the boys out for lunch later today and then they are taking a quick mini vacation to grandma's for the weekend. We all go back to school on Monday, so my fun time will be quickly ending!

I had fun making this card! Yes, February is on my mind, but this could be used for any occasion! Have a fun day....


Thursday, January 1, 2009

~Happy New Year 2009~

I can hardly believe that 2008 is over and the beginning of 2009 is already here! It seems just like yesterday I was getting married and then the children were born! Time flies and I often find myself wondering where it went! I plan to spend more time with my family and in God's word this coming year. I hope your day is restful and full of love.
